Friday 10 September 2010

Harewood's got talent!

This group of talented individuals wowed the 'Harewood's got talent' judges last night with their 'Dizzie Barbie' performance. Combining Aqua's 'Barbie girl' (with Jenson playing Barbie!) with a Dizzie Rascal rap (courtesy of George), the group had attitude and style. Saville utilised his human beat-boxing skills expertly to provide the backing track whilst Frankie and Nathan threw some impressive shapes (and vocals) to add to the overall performance! Previously, in the individual contest Saville came out top once more with his beat-boxing prowess alongside Dominic who showed amazing skills with his diablo, attempting several difficult tricks including the 'neck trick' (which has to be seen to be believed!) and the elusive 'dark slide'. With such a busy day, there wasn't even time to mention the abseiling which took place yesterday which was thoroughly enjoyable. Alas, the rain has arrived...but it's almost time for home. Just enough time left for some team building games and then we'll be heading homeward. See you soon!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Raft building!

Another superb day! Both groups have now built and sailed upon their raft's without them capsizing fortunately. Interestingly, both groups designed their rafts differently based on their own ideas and the preferred method of the instructor. Unlike the other group, the raft which you see Charlie tugging strenuously on was made without using any knots! Instead we used the Woodman's hitch and Clove hitch to tie the raft together. The barrels were not attached to the frame either with this raft! We relied purely on gravity and the buoyancy of the barrels to stay afloat! Amazingly, both groups completed this challenge without getting wet - including rain!

Harewood heads for heights!

This morning, while the other group have been raft building, we have been on the indoor climbing wall... Don't look down! These Class 4 children are fearless!
Time for a quick break before abseiling!

Breakfast routines!

The boys did a wonderful job of laying the table - very domesticated! Before breakfast we make our sandwiches for the day from lots of tasty choices of fillings.
The rain has stayed away and now we're all set for another day of adventure!

Wednesday 8 September 2010


Last night we all returned to the low ropes assault course but this time....blindfolded! Saville led the way to begin with.... ...but soon we only had teamwork and a rope to guide us round the course!

Which way to the minibus?

We have been working as a group, using orienteering keys and symbols, to find places on the map of Penistone Hill Country Park. Another afternoon of fun amidst beautiful scenery and glorious sunshine! I think we're all ready for a good hot meal after all that walking, climbing and jumping today. Then it'll be time for 'blindline'....

Putting the 'High' in High Adventure!

A perfect way to start a Wednesday morning...get the harnesses on and climb up a ten metre pole! It isn't even half past ten in the morning and Emma and George have already managed to climb up a huge wooden pole. Our instructor Anta then made them sing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' on the platform with actions before standing on one leg! Very brave indeed.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Harewood archers!

What a fantastic day! The rain-storm held off just long enough for all groups to complete their activities. The 'low ropes' involved lots of teamwork to get around the tricky course....
Another highlight was the archery session. There must be something in the letter 'J' as both Jade and Jenson shot perfect bull's eyes!

No teachers, adult helpers, pupils or instructors were harmed during the taking of this photo! Well, the storm seems to have gone... fingers crossed for another glorious day of sunshine and fun!

Class 4 Canoe fun!

The sun has shone brightly all morning and there are no rain clouds in sight! Perfect for a morning of canoeing. The canoers did a little game where you had to paddle as fast as you could to try and get a tennis ball that was floating in the water. Once you had done that you had to throw the ball at the instructor. If the ball hit the boat you got 1 point but if you got the ball in the boat you got 2 points. However, if the instructor hit your boat, you went back down to zero. Two of the teams drew with only one point each! At the end of the fun, we all jumped into the cold water!

Well rested

Everyone had a really good night's sleep. They have all made their own sandwiches and are ready for today's activities (Archery, Low Ropes and Canoeing).

They are hoping to post for themselves later today.

Monday 6 September 2010

A Brilliant Day

Posted by: Mr Madeley

The children are hoping to be able to post from tomorrow, but I promised them I would let you know how it is going when I got home. I have been with the Year 6 all day, and left them at bedtime after a very successful first day.
The journey went without a hitch and we settled in very quickly at the centre once we arrived. After lunch we went on our Local Area Adventure. This was a hike up the crags that overlook Cowling. Ante and Alex, our leaders made it great fun and we reached our goal, Lund's Tower at the top. The views were great.
We had tea when we got back to the centre. Our evening activity was the Labyrinth, a man-made, wooden "cave" system under the centre. It was wonderful fun and quite a challenge, but we all managed to do it. I left them all very feeling very proud of themselves and satisfied with an excellent day.


We have arrived safely. Now off on local walk.
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